Hindi Learning Resources

To help you practice the language

Hindi Learning Resources


Hindi Urdu Flagship at the University of Texas at Austin
The Hindi Urdu Flagship program at the University of Texas at Austin created the most impressive website of all for Hindi and Urdu learners. All of their fantastic resources are available for free download. Try the program's repository if you have trouble with downloads from the main site.
Hindi Star Talk
Created by Columbia University, this site presents 42 videos with various themes. Vocabulary lists, lesson plans, and transcripts supplement the videos.
Professor Frances Pritchett
Professor Frances Pritchett of Columbia University has created an impressive collection of links related to Hindi/Urdu language learning, literature, poetry, and more.
Arvind Gupta Toys
If you click "Hindi" under the heading "Books," you'll be presented with a long list of Hindi works you can download as PDF files. This collection includes a variety of children's books, materials related to education, and some novels.
Sound Cloud
You'll find audiobooks of children's stories in various South Asian languages, including Hindi and Urdu.
Hindi Kahani
This collection includes a variety of children's stories, literature and poetry.


Elementary Hindi

Elementary Hindi by Richard Delacy and Sudha Joshi

This is an excellent option for a wide range of basic-level students. It comes with a textbook and a workbook.

You can write my full review of Elementary Hindi here.

Complete Hindi

Complete Hindi by Rupert Snell and Simon Weightman

This a tried and true course book for basic-level Hindi, especially for academically-oriented students.

You can read my full review of Teach Yourself - Complete Hindi here.

Beginning Hindi

Beginning Hindi - A Complete Course by Joshua H. Pien and Fauzia Farooqui

A significant addition to basic-level materials.

You can read my full review of Beginning Hindi here.

Essential Hindi Dictionary

Essential Hindi Dictionary by Rupert Snell

This dictionary is a quick reference for basic-level to intermediate-level students and goes from Hindi to English and vice versa. However, you'll eventually need access to more words and the Oxford Hindi-English dictionary (see below).

Oxford Hindi - English Dictionary

The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary by R.S. McGregor

This is the last Hindi-English dictionary you'll ever need. It's rare to come across a word in Hindi that isn't here. It includes the Hindi script and roman transliteration, noun gender, grammatical use, word derivation, and detailed definitions.

Reading Hindi - Novice to Intermediate

Reading Hindi - Novice to Intermediate by Kusum Knapczyk and Peter Knapczyk

This a collection of texts, graded by difficulty, to build Hindi learners' confidence in reading.

Hindi Tutor by Naresh Sharma

Hindi Tutor by Naresh Sharma

This course book is a fantastic choice for intermediate-level learners to continue practicing language structures alongside engaging readings and exercises that build confidence with grammar and vocabulary. I especially appreciate how the exercises use a minimum of English.